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Giving with 1%

So what is this 1% For the Planet we speak of, well in their own words, “Not long ago, a mountain climber and a fisherman realized they had a lot more in common than a disdain for wearing a suit to work. Yvon Chouinard, founder of Patagonia, and Craig Mathews, owner of Blue Ribbon Flies, were also passionate environmentalists that happened to be running successful businesses. More important, they understood it was good business to protect the natural resources that kept them in business. And the rest is history…”

What is the 1%?

The one percent represents 1% of your annual net earnings. Your company commits to donate that 1% to a single member nonprofit or too many. That choice is up to you.

The Wildlife Heritage Foundation decided that joining a network of committed outdoors people with a singular mission of putting money in the hands of the doers was something we couldn’t pass up. We are doers, we are the movers and shakers of the conservation world and we are part of the 1% movement.

How you can help

If you are an employee of a company and you believe in our mission strongly enough, you may present us to your decision makers as a strong and viable candidate to receive all or a portion of your 1% contribution. With those contributions we put boots on the ground. We restore habitats, we educate children, basically we do more.

If you have any interest in becoming a member of 1% For the Plant, please visit them now and consider contributing to WHF today. Together we can do more.

You can also consider becoming an individual or business member of WHF today.
