Research Opportunities
Wildlife Heritage Foundation would like to encourage biological research on our properties. We have many properties spanning several ecosystems and sensitive species throughout California. Contact our Senior Staff Biologist Gaylene Tupen to talk about research opportunities.
California Ecosystems
- Mixed Hardwood
- Oak Woodland
- Chaparral- Knob cone Pine Woodland
- Desert Dry Wash Microphyll Woodland
- Coyote Scrub
- Diegan Coastal Sage Scrub
- Laurel Sumac Scrub
- Mojave Scrub
- Grasslands
- Seasonal Floodplain
- Riparian
- Created and natural wetlands
- Freshwater Marsh
- Tidal Wetlands
- Vernal Pools: natural and created
- Alkali Sink
- Desert Dry Wash
- Vegetated Desert Swale
- Agricultural Land
Sensitive and Rare Species
- San Joaquin Kit Fox
- Burrowing Owl
- Ferruginous Hawk
- Loggerhead Shrike
- Swainson’s Hawk
- Sandhill Crane
- Tri-colored Blackbird
- Alameda Whipsnake
- Giant Garter Snake
- San Francisco Garter Snake
- Desert Tortoise
- Western Pond Turtle
- Western Spadefoot
- California Red-legged Frog
- California Tiger Salamander
- Foothill Yellow-legged Frog
- California Coastal Coho Salmon
- Delta Smelt
- Valley Elderberry Longhorn Beetle
- Conservancy Fairy Shrimp
- Mid-Valley Fairy Shrimp
- Vernal Pool Tadpole Shrimp
- Vernal Pool Fairy Shrimp
- Alkali Milk-vetch
- Barstow Wooly Sunflower
- Boggs Lake Hedge-hyssop
- Butte County Golden Clover
- Butte County Meadowfoam
- Congdon’s Tarplant
- Contra Costa Goldfields
- Crownscale (check Goldfields preserve for complete species name)
- Dwarf Downingia
- Four Angled Spikerush
- Hog Wallow Starfish
- Legenere
- Pappose Tarplant
- Recurved Delphinium
- Red Bluff Dwarf Rush
- Tehama navarretia
- Saline Clover
- Slender Orcutt Grass
- San Joaquin Spearscale
- Woolly Meadowfoam