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Conservation Confluence January 2020

Conservation Confluence



WHF staff held a different kind of staff meeting recently, spending a few hours preparing one of our wetland preserves for spring field trips. Staff removed invasive plants including Himalayan blackberry and non-native grasses from walking trails and set up staging areas for students and teachers. It was hard to call it work as staff enjoyed the sights and sounds of migrating waterfowl passing overhead on the Pacific Flyway on a crisp, clear winter morning!

WHF will be offering volunteer work days to the community throughout the coming year. If you are interested in volunteering for future WHF-sponsored community service project workdays, please contact Education Coordinator Veronica Griffiths at vgriffiths@wildlifeheritage.org.

-Veronica Griffiths, Education Coordinator


Accredited Land Trust Alliance Renewal

The land trust accreditation program recognizes land conservation organizations that meet national quality standards for protecting important natural places and working lands forever. Wildlife Heritage Foundation was among the first group of land trusts in the nation to be accredited in 2008, and we are pleased to announce we are applying for renewal of accreditation. A public comment period is now open.

The Land Trust Accreditation Commission, an independent program of the Land Trust Alliance, conducts an extensive review of each applicant’s policies and programs. Sound ethical and technical standards, as well as vigorous governance are critical to the sustainability of Wildlife Heritage Foundation, which is responsible for conserving and stewarding the lands we have protected in perpetuity. The accreditation process has provided WHF with valuable structure and guidance to ensure that our practices meet national standards of excellence.

The Commission invites public input and accepts signed, written comments on pending applications. Comments must relate to how Wildlife Heritage Foundation complies with national quality standards. To learn more about the accreditation program and to submit a comment, visit www.landtrustaccreditation.org, or email your comment to info@landtrustaccreditation.org. Comments may also be faxed or mailed to the Land Trust Accreditation Commission, Attn: Public Comments: (fax) 518-587-3183; (mail) 36 Phila Street, Suite 2, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866.

Comments on Wildlife Heritage Foundation’s application will be most useful by January 13, 2020.

-Kelly Velasco, Associate Director





