Conservation Confluence January 2019
Happy New Year! We hit the ground running here at WHF, returning with vigor to the annual monitoring and land management tasks at our various properties. We hope you are enjoying midwinter as much as we are!
My best,
Darla Guenzler, Executive Director
Roberts Ranch Preserve is located approximately 1.5 miles from the center of the City of Moraga. The 241-acre Conservation Easement Area is nestled within the rolling hills of the Diablo Range of California’s Coast Range. Roberts Ranch provides high-quality habitat for Alameda whipsnake. In addition, beautiful grasslands, oak woodlands, rock outcrops and wetlands are plentiful throughout the Preserve.
-Kelly Velasco, Associate Director
During a routine monitoring visit at one of our properties in Folsom, WHF Biologists noticed valley oaks were self-recruiting onsite. So, we decided to help them out! In March 2017, WHF, in cooperation with the Sacramento Tree Foundation and their volunteers, planted 36 valley oak acorns at the Preserve. At the end of the summer of the first season, 19 of the 36 acorns sprouted. In December 2017, all of the acorns that had not yet sprouted were replaced with 1-year old seedlings. We are pleased to report that all of the valley oak saplings are becoming well-established within the Preserve adjacent to the City of Folsom walking path. These trees will continue to be monitored and protected by WHF during any future mowing or other maintenance activities.
-Gaylene Tupen, Lead Biologist
Earlier this month, WHF hosted a guided nature walk within the Sun City Lincoln Hills Preserve for approximately 50 residents. The walk focused on the various types of wetlands in the Preserve and their importance, with an emphasis on the Pacific Flyway and migration. It is always great to connect and engage with Sun City residents in our shared outdoor spaces!
-Veronica Griffiths, Education Coordinator