Robert Weygandt
Robert Weygandt serves on WHF’s finance committee. He oversees the investment and management of endowment funds held by WHF for the stewardship of habitat preserves. Mr. Weygandt was an instructor for 6 years at West Kern Community College, Sacramento City College, and Cosumnes River College, teaching a variety of classes in business administration. Mr. Weygandt was the vice president and chief financial officer of WECO Aerospace Systems, a Lincoln-based firm. He is now a member of the Placer County Board of Supervisors, is currently serving his third 4-year term, and represents the rural western sector of Placer County; the communities of Lincoln, Rocklin, Newcastle, and Sheridan; and the rural residential foothills below Auburn and north of Loomis. Mr. Weygandt has been a leadership voice on the board of supervisors regarding Placer Legacy-a program to protect land, water, and open spaces within Placer County. Placer Legacy was initiated by the board in 1997 and represents a planning effort that took more than 2 years and cost more than $1 million. He has also served as a Placer County planning commissioner and a member of the Placer County Economic Development Board.