Kurt W. Worley, J.D.
Kurt Worley grew up in Lincoln. He graduated from the University of California, Berkeley with a B.A. in Legal Studies and a minor in Anthropology and then went on to obtain his law degree from the University of California – Hastings College of the Law. Mr. Worley is now a Supervising Deputy District Attorney in Butte County, CA. In that role, he prosecutes high profile crimes and trains entry-level attorneys. Mr. Worley has always been an outdoorsman interested in the dynamics of human interaction with the environment. He is an avid hiker and natural history hobbyist, which combines to become the constant thread in almost all of his recreational travel. As a prosecutor, he values enforcement of the Fish and Wildlife codes and environmental crimes, including having successfully prosecuted individuals in a highly organized deer and bear poaching ring for felony conspiracy to unlawfully take game. He considers himself a healthy skeptic and encourages an iconoclastic approach to problem solving.